Eman Mohammed, Palestine
Playing despite war
A few carefree minutes of untroubled childhood: in the northern part of Gaza, these boys joyfully take a bath in the midst of the ruins that once were their home. It was destroyed during an Israeli attack. The war has left many of Gaza’s inhabitants without homes. Families use the ruins of buildings as shelters. Another shelter for them is their religion: this image shows a Palestinian girl reciting verses from the Koran in a mosque in Gaza City.
Children have the right to be protected from war. However, in the 1990s alone, more than 2 million children died in armed conflicts. More than 1 million lost their parents or were separated from them. Photographer Eman Mohammed has documented the war in her home country of Gaza.

Curriculum Vitae: Eman Mohammed
Bachelor degree at the Islamic university of Gaza (IUG) on Journalism and Major of Public Relations (PR).
Certificate in Media information course by the German technical corporation (G.T. Z.)
Certificate in media training course by the Palestinian Ministry of Information.
- Winner of the judges’ Special Prize of Carmignac Gestion award 2009.
- Received the New Media award –UK for the war coverage in Gaza 2008-2009
- Had been nominated for the Joop swart masterclass- World press photo 2009.
- Had my photography published in The Gurdian, Washington post, Mother jones, Haartez newspaper, Sewar magazine, Aftonbladet, Frames of Reality, Curso Abril and several other publications
- Worked as a freelance photojournalist for international organizations and news agencies, including World Bank, Save the Children, UNFPA, MAP, EPA and Demotix
- Worked as an English-Arabic reporter for regional agencies and international news websites. From the local, mainly with Ma'an news agency before expanding to work with the internationals such as Media-Pal, EI electronic intefada, Menassat, Peace X Peace and WeNews.
- Worked as a producer and an anchor in local radio stations called Al-Iman and Al-Sha'ab.
- Well trained in using Adobe Photoshop and Light room.
photography, news, media, foreign cultures, perfection writing, foreign languages and herbal since, women causes.