Michelle Sank, Großbritannien
Großbritannien: Mein Körper gehört mir
Ab wann dürfen oder sollen Jugendliche ein Selbstbestimmungsrecht über ihren Körper haben? Seit ihrem 15. Lebensjahr lässt sich die inzwischen 17-jährige Nancy* Botox spritzen. Ein Nervengift, das die Fähigkeit hat, Falten zu glätten. Die 16-jährige Peggy* hat sich bei einem Chirurgen für eine Brustvergrößerung angemeldet. Und der gleichaltrige David* wurde durch eine Geschlechtsumwandlung zur Frau.
Die in Südafrika geborene und in England lebende Fotografin Michelle Sank urteilt nicht über die jungen Menschen, die vor der Kamera ihre Sehnsüchte nach einem in ihrem Sinne perfektionierten Körper offenbaren. Sie enthält sich jedweder Wertung über den Veränderungswillen.
*Namen geändert
Biografie: Michelle Sank
Hossein Fatemi, b.1980 in Iran, started his career as a photographer in 1997. He has worked in Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Georgia, Russia, India, Somalia, Kenya and Afghanistan. His work has been published in numerous national and international publications including The Times, Newsweek, Paris Match, The New York Times, The Guardian and The Washington Post.
Hossein Fatemi who is a member of Panos Pictures agency has won numerous awards during his career. He is currently based in Tehran, Iran.
- 2005 Photographer of the Year, Iran
- 2006 Photographer of the Year, Iran
- 2007 Bronze medal from China international photojournalism contest 2009: Photographer of the Year, Iran
- 2009 Bronze medal from China international photojournalism contest
- 2010 Finalist New York Photo Awards
- 2011 Gold medal from China international photojournalism contest
- 2012 Grand prize of international world awakening awards for a story on the war in Afghanistan.
- 2012 First prize at the Fourth Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts for his work on the American Army in Afghanistan.
- 2012 Honourable Mention at Unicef Picture of the Year Award
- 2004 Tehran exhibition "Bam After the Earthquake"
- 2006 Tehran exhibition "Lebanon after the War"
- 2007 Tehran first photo Expo
- 2008 Middle East in the eye of six Iranian photographer and two foreign photographers in Tehran
- 2011 Hossein Fatemi’s work entitled “Sepid Shoor” at No 6 Gallery
- 2011 Hossein Fatemi’s work on Afghanistan entitled “Contemporary Afghanistan: another look” in Moscow
- 2012 Metro exhibition "Azarbaijan After the Earthquake"
- 2012 Group exhibition of 30 Iranian artists entitled "Iran" in Romania
- 2012 Street Photography exhibition with a focus on SAARC countries in India
- 2013 long-term project Afghanistan – Dark Future, in Chobi Mela VII, in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- 2011 Hossein Fatemi’s work entitled “Sepid Shoor”